Installation of Diverse Applications with a Single Click
Bitnami Tomcat is currently the most commonly used HTTP web server in the world. Due to its advantages of being lightweight, fast and easy to use, it has been recording a high market share. It supports BSD, Linux, Unix, etc.
Tomcat 8.0.42 / Ubuntu 14.04 LTS / Apache 2.4.25 / MySQL 5.6.35 / Apache Ant 1.8.1 / PHP 5.6.30
Bitnami Node.js is server-side JavaScript-based platform developed based on Google’s V8 engine. It supports lightweight and efficient asynchronous I/O that operates based on a single thread and includes Apache, Python, Redis, etc.
Node.js 7.10.0 / Debian 8 / Apache 2.4.25 / Python 2.7.13 / Redis 3.2.8